Martha Thinks

Monday, December 19, 2011

Time with Trees

We have had a great time with our fundraiser this year and the band makes a fair amount of their budget from selling these trees. Lots of competition in our town and as of this writing, we have quite a few left. Last year we had early snow in December and we sold out by this time. This year I fear we may end up with some by Christmas.

I love seeing this scene. Just perfect. Little kids running around choosing their favorite tree.

This is the truck of the man who runs our tree sales. His name is Pat and a more dedicated band parent I have not seen. He is out there every single night in the cold. All parents and students are supposed to take a shift or three, but these busy days come so quickly that not all of the slots are always filled. But Pat is always there. Great dad.

We used the band exhibition backdrops as a stage for the young musicians to play - encouraging sales! There have been years when there have been hours of standing around in the crunching snow, drifting snow, falling snow, so this year's mild month has been a gift!
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