Martha Thinks

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Grown-up dinner

"Mom, the Scouts have a trip to West Point and I want to go", said the 11 year old.  At first I thought it was ridiculous.  He's never been away from his parents for 3 nights, I realized.  Not for any designed reason, but any extended time away by parents was individual, just one of us at a time.  Mom away with friends, Dad away for work.

But he loves Scouts.  He is proud to be a Boy Scout.  He is fully prepared to sleep in a tent, hike 5 miles, make and eat all meals over a fire and generally take in the whole experience.

So I bid him a fond adieu (hugging an 11 year old in a church parking lot is not cool), told Jackson's dad how much I appreciate him taking on this task of driving four hours each way, never mind taking 3 days out of his own life to sleep in a tent. 

So Rich and I were alone for dinner for the first time in forever.  A great sushi place opened up recently and so we totally indulged.

Yeah, pretty much cleaned our plates.  Grown-up sushi dinner.  So for my kid in Illinois and my kid in Indiana and my kid at West Point, I'll be thinking of you tonight from all corners of our universe under this beautiful full moon.
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