Another craigslist purchase. I found two pretty doors that were actually a pair of gray French doors that I thought had that perfect vintage look for my house. They were from an artist's loft and used as room dividers. $30 each. Hey, that's not bad at all! Except that they weren't exactly the right color gray for the room and well, since I'm not using them as French doors one of the doors has to change the knob opening because it's on the wrong side. If that makes any sense.
Taking a break from painting these doors in the summer heat, my brother Andy and my dog Bono just love
to rough and tumble.
Andy has been working here almost daily for 2 months and the dog has never been happier.
Your instruction are good to making closet in nice looking impression because its direct impact on your living life when come any guest in your home then you wake up in the morning you see on your closet to feeling happy moment.