Martha Thinks

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Building a Firepit in a Heatwave - Bring on the S'mores and Margaritas

You did it, kid!  And your father and your brother, too.  All put many, many hours in - 3 weekends all together including over the July 4th holiday, into finishing this. Tilling the soil six inches deep then getting rid of it, layer after layer of stone dust, machine and truck rentals, moving and placing the stones, tamping it down, filling with sand and building the actual "firepit".
Whew.  Rest up.  I'll make you brownies. You deserve it.  Put it on your resume.  Even if you never do it again, put it on your resume!  I am very proud of you!
We have only lit it once, just for the christening of it.  The heat wave continues so it will wait for the next cooling to be lit again.  I look forward to the gathering place for friends it was designed to be; a space for s'mores and margaritas, laughter and warmth.

Now if I can just get him to dig me a lake beside it...
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