Martha Thinks

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve 2009

1:30 pm - Lunch in a snowstorm with good friends. 3 boys, 3 girls, mirror images.

6:30 pm - just put finishing touches on two special cakes for New Year's Eve celebrations.
9:30 pm - a warm and festive dining room, getting ready for dinner with friends. Makes me rethink never letting the kids take charge of the decorating. This rainbow paper celebration was handmade, happy and cheerful.
10:30 pm - 8 year old who vowed to stay up until midnight, but fell asleep at party. The babysitting dog was not ours, but we were happy to have him watch over the boy, who is ours.
11:45 pm - the second warm and festive dining room of the night. Champagne chilling in the most fabulous vintage punch bowl.

Period pieces, both homes. Am I attracted to friends with old houses? Hmmm.

Midnight - the birthday girl helps us usher in 2010.


  1. Hi Martha!

    The New Year's Eve cake was fantastic. I yearn for more...

    Glad to find your blog. Keep it up!

  2. Any chance of getting the recipe?

  3. Hi Judy,
    I'll send it off to you right away!
    Isn't it awesome?
